Clean Clinic is a healthcare company providing medical detox and long-term addiction management comfortably and safely from your home. By collaborating with various vendors and clinics, Clean Clinic helps individuals achieve and maintain sobriety without the costs of inpatient or residential detox programs. To enhance service quality, optimize costs, and improve tracking of leads, clients, and partnerships, Clean Clinic implemented Salesforce as the optimal database solution.

Status: Completed

Start Date: -

Service: Product Conceptualization

Team Size: Team of 1

Industry: Health Care

  • Interviewing stakeholders to understand the vision, goals, processes, limitations, pain points, inefficiencies.
  • Interviewing corporate employees of various positions who will be future platform users to understand their daily routine processes.
  • Reviewing corporate infrastructure such as systems, software, and hardware to understand existing environment.
  • Interview existing and new potential customers to understand their motivations.
  • Research similar software products in the market.

Milestone - Software Blueprint

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